
Do not attempt to adjust your screen. You are about to be taken on a journey. A journey (hopefully) unlike any you have ever taken before. A journey into the mind and ramblings of a man, an ordinary man. And yet, maybe not so ordinary. A journey into... the Twili...

CUT!! Hold It!! Get that guy outta here!!

Sorry about that folks. Welcome to Inner Workings - a blog of various and sundry thoughts, questions, and quirkiness. I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

For Your Consideration

Welcome to my world, or at least my take on the world around me.  I’m not going to promise any intellectual insights, coarse humor, biting commentary, or political diatribe.  All I will offer is one person’s perspectives on anything from daily life to parenting to hunting and the outdoors to whatever strikes my fancy (including the occasional political stuff).  As a sample of what you will read, here’s some background on me.

I’m your basic “Heinz 57” of an American – a little of this, a dash of that, and, just for kicks and grins, a sprinkle of some other stuff too.  And I don’t just mean that in terms of my ancestry.  I’d say that applies to my political, religious, and social views as well.  Of course, those who know me will undoubtedly differ with me and say that I’m pretty easy to define, but I still manage to say or do something that surprises the little woman from time to time.  (Gasp, he didn’t just say, “the little woman” did he?) You bet your sweet bippy I did.  Does that mean I’m “sexist”?  I have no idea as I’d say it probably depends on the definition you chose to apply.  Also, I don’t think it does because saying that about her is more ironic than anything if you know her.

Let’s see, where was I … oh yeah, background.

I am married, have a son, and in the fourth decade of being (Ugh).  I’ve lived in various parts of the U.S. and may live in even more before my time is up.  I don’t have a crystal ball to know for sure.  In my time, I’ve been a fry cook, cashier, toy salesman, musician, teacher, maintenance worker, janitor, trainer, project manager, instructional designer and other various and sundry things. 

I like to think that I have a sense of humor. (What? “Sweet bippy” didn’t make you snarf or milk come out your nose?)  It may not be for everyone, and that’s okay.  Not everyone else’s sense of humor is for me either.  Then again, my sister did tell my wife, “He’s your problem now” on our wedding day.  Wonder what she meant by that.  Oh, and sometimes, I appear to write in a “stream of consciousness” kind of way.

Did someone just say, “Get to the point.  Why are you doing this?”  Good question.  I don’t automatically think that the world is just waiting to hear what I have to say.  In fact, I usually keep my thoughts to myself until I just can’t stand it or someone asks politely for them.  I’m mainly doing this to see what happens.  I’d like to see what kind of response I get to this and what I can learn from others who choose to visit and leave a comment.  Which brings me to… you.

What I ask of you, gentle reader, is that you leave thoughts of your own when you visit or pass through.  Should anything I write spark a thought, comment, recollection, or totally random thought, please feel free to share it with me and other visitors to this space.  All I ask is civility and restraint from hurtful or inflammatory comments. Oh, and if you like what you read here or are amused by it, feel free to share it around.  There's plenty here for everyone.

Well, I think that’s all I have for right now.  I’m not sure how often I’ll post something here.  I could be on a roll and post every day for a few days and then fall off the wagon and not post anything for a few.  It all depends… on life, the universe, and… everything.

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